The Administration section enables users to do necessary configurations based on which various EMR features become functional. The user can set up default settings for the practice, manage facilities, add resources and insurances, assign roles and permissions, configure scheduler setup, configure all charting elements, configure Encounter note format, consultation letter, and referral letter, and so forth.


On the left side of the InSync home screen, click the Administration tab.


Quick Summary of Administration

The Administration tab is categorized in following sections: Setup, Security, and Configuration. Here is a quick summary of what each subsection does. Later in the manual, each setting is precisely described.

Practice: Enables the user to:

Update practice details and contact details (business address and mailing address)
Configure the practice’s default settings
Configure Meaningful Use settings
Configure Patient Portal settings
Configure InTouch Secure Messaging settings
Configure Electronic Signature Pad settings
Configure Appointment Reminder settings
Configure Security settings
Configure Access settings
Configure Time Card settings


Facility: Enables the user to:

Add and update facility details and contact details (business address and mailing address)
Map insurances


Resource: Enables the user to:

Add the resource types (e.g., staff, equipment, space, referring provider, PCP, Other, Supervising Provider, Attending Provider, Ordering Provider and User Group) except Provider and Assistant (which can be done only by the INSYNC Support Team)
Add and update the resource type details and contact details
Update the identification numbers such as SSN, UPIN, Tax ID, Medical License, NPI Code, and DEA
Choose the specialties and facilities the user can work with
Choose the To Do groups the user can be a part of
View the privileges on different modules as a quick reference
Provide digital signing access after capturing a user’s electronic signature for Providers and Assistants
Copy access rights on the documents of Document Manager folders from any of the existing users (to avoid reentry)
Map insurances


User: Enables the user to:

Add a staff user that includes user creation, role and facility assignment, username and password generation, scheduler setup, folder access, time card permission, access control, and direct e-mail mapping.
Update staff user and existing provider details


Insurance: Enables the user to:

Add new insurance and manage insurance details
Manage practice-level fee schedule


CPT: Enables the user to view the master list of all the CPT codes and allows configuring Provider and practice favorite list of CPT codes


Social History: Enables the user to add or update the social history elements (e.g., Exercise, Lifestyles), its master values, and consumption details


Clinical: Enables the user to:

Add or update the symptom body systems (e.g., HEENT, Skin, Cardiovascular) that are used further in ROS configuration
Add or update the finding body systems (e.g., Abdomen, Back, Respiratory) that are used further in the Physical Exam configuration
Add or update the encounter type (e.g., New Patient Office Visit, Consultation, Office Procedure) that appears in the drop-down list when starting an encounter


ICD-9 or ICD-10: Based on the configuration, the caption is displayed as ICD-9 or ICD-10. Enables the user to view a master list of all the ICD codes and allows configuring Provider and practice favorite list of ICD codes. Additionally, Illness category can also be configured.


Master Maintenance: Enables the user to:

Add or update the patient category (e.g., Bankruptcy, BCBS, Collections) that is displayed in the drop-down list when entering patient demographic details
Add or update the review of result type (e.g., Therapy report, X-ray report) that is displayed in the drop-down list in the Review of Results section in Charting
Add or update the relationship description (e.g., father, mother, brother, sister, friend) that is displayed in the drop-down list in the Family History section in the History tab and Next of Kin, Guarantor, and Emergency Contact tabs of the Patient Demographics section and in the History (Family) section in Charting


Security: The Roles & Permissions section in the Security tab enables the user to:

Add or update user roles
Assign access to modules based on roles
Manage privileges on different submodules for a particular role


Configuration: Following are the different sections with their abilities included in the Configuration tab:


Scheduler Setup: Sets up scheduler profile for provider(s), care assistant(s), spaces (rooms), and equipment(s)
Charting Sequence: Sets up charting flow and sequence of charting elements for the practice and for a specific provider
ROS & Chief Complaint: Configures the symptoms for Review of Systems (ROS) and Chief Complaints (CC) for each System defined in the “Administration > Clinical” section
oConfigures Practice favorite ROS and Chief Complaint list
oConfigures Provider favorite ROS and Chief Complaint list
oSets up the Quick ROS
oSets the body system sequence to be displayed in charting
HPI: Configures History of Present Illness (HPI) for each system (defined in the “Administration > Clinical” section) and its corresponding symptom (defined in the “Administration > ROS & Chief Complaint” section)
oEnables adding the values (answers) for each HPI
oEnables creating a list of customized HPIs
oSets the HPI sequence to be displayed in charting
Physical Exam: Configures the findings for Physical Exam for each system (defined in the “Administration > Clinical” section)        
oConfigures Practice favorite Physical Exam list
oConfigures Provider favorite Physical Exam list
oSets up the Quick List (QL)
oSets the findings sequence to be displayed in charting
Treatment Plan: Creates new order sets and sets the values for each Recommend Type (Labs, Radiology, Special Studies, Visit & Procedure Codes, Therapy, Diet, Activity, Preventative Health, General, and Other)
oProvides choice to place electronic lab order or manual lab order or both
oSets the sequence of Recommend Type and Recommend Master Values to be displayed in charting
oSets the macro for selected Recommend Master Value or for all Recommend Types
Care Plan: Configures new Problems and Long Term Goals, Short Term Goals, and Interventions problems.
oFrequencies, Time Periods, and Durations can be configured for interventions to be selected when recording care plan.
Health Maintenance Master: Adds new screening types based on age range and gender for various parameters defined in Diagnosis Codes, Lab Result, Medication, and Allergy
oEdits the immunization configuration details and manages the lot numbers for pediatric patients
oAdds new immunization for adult patients based on age range and gender for parameters defined in Diagnosis Codes
Social History: Configures provider-wise social history elements to be displayed for a specific set of patients depending on their age and gender
Encounter Note & Letters: Configures the templates for Encounter Note, Consultation Letter, Referral Letter, and Lab Letter
HCFA Printer Settings: This is useful for PM users to configure printer settings to print HCFA forms
Document Manager: Files with the extensions configured here can only be uploaded in Document Manager
E&M Calc: Provides the user interface for the configuration and working of E&M code calculator
Lab Order: Configures the practice favorite and Provider favorite list for lab and radiology orders to be placed to the external labs electronically
Lab Result: Configures lab results parameters that are used when recording lab results manually
Vital: Configures normal values for vital parameters based on age range and gender
Clinical Decision Support Intervention: Configures clinical interventions based on age range and gender for various parameters defined in Diagnosis Codes, Medication, Allergy, Lab Test (Ordered), Lab Result, and Vitals
Reason Master: Adds reasons that are displayed in the Referral and Follow Up sections in the Treatment Plan
Supplementary Drug: Configures supplementary drugs you might want to prescribe other than NewCrop. This drug list is populated in the Supplementary tab in charting, if configured in practice defaults
Fax: Configures the fax number where the fax will be received in the practice
Fax / Direct E-mail Address Book: Configures fax numbers and direct e-mail addresses of practice Providers
Form Builder: Creates custom clinical form templates for various categories such as Patient Demographic, History, Encounter, Health Maintenance, Immunization, Treatment Plan, Facesheet, Chief Complaints, Problem List, Vitals, Medications/Allergies, ROS, Lab Results, Physical Exam, Diagnosis, Review of Results, and Supplementary
Anatomical Drawing: Configures images relevant to the body systems based on age range and gender. The images configured here can be used in Physical Exam
Patient Portal Forms: Uploads medical forms to be completed by patients, which will be available in the patient portal. (Only practice admin users are allowed to upload the forms.)
Notification: Sets notifications to be displayed during log-in for a specified duration


    See also,

  Lab Order
  Lab Result