Verifying Patient Eligibility

Patient's current insurance eligibility can be verified from this screen. To verify a patient’s eligibility, click the patient_eligibilitypatient eligibility icon in the patient insurance listing. The user will then be brought to the Insurance Eligibility details screen.

On the Insurance Eligibility details screen, the user can see basic patient insurance and demographic information, as well as the date eligibility verification was last performed. Click the Print Report button to print a copy of the eligibility report post-verification.

To verify patient eligibility:

1.Click theINSYNC~1_img122 icon next to Verify Now.
2.Details of the report depend on the payer and could include anything from copay and deductible information to yearly amount paid.
3.To view the patient eligibility history for the insurance, click History icon eligibility_history.
4.To view the eligibility report, click View icon View_Report.

If the eligibility request cannot be sent for that payer, the user will receive a notification of such at the top of the screen.

