When adding a patient, you will find a number of fields that allow for you to add demographic information for your patient. To quickly add a patient, fill out all fields under the Patient Details section that are marked by a red asterisk (*). Please take note of the following when filling out information:
1. | To collapse any of the panels, click the down arrow located at the far right of the window header. To open a collapsed panel, click the arrow again; it will now display as an “up” arrow. |
2. | DOB should be added in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY. |
3. | When adding a patient, try to include as much information as possible (e.g., Sex, Race, Ethnicity, Preferred Language). If a patient declines to provide all or part of the demographic information, or if capturing a patient’s ethnicity or race is prohibited by state law, click the “Patient declined/unable to provide” check box. |
Note: This will help in increasing the numerator for “Core 3: Record Demographics” of MU-2. Please refer to the above section in Meaningful Use Stage – 2 User Guide for more details.
4. | Enter patient's e-RIN (Recipient Identification Number). It is important to display patient’s e-RIN on all the documents and notes for patients who receive services funded by the state. |
5. | To add patient details scanning his driving license, select the access key and click the ![]() |
6. | Select the Mode of Reminder (e.g., phone, e-mail, secure message via portal) from the drop-down list. When the reminder option is selected, an appropriate icon is displayed next to the respective field to indicate that reminder is set for this option. For example, if Mobile Phone Call is opted as a mode of reminder, then ![]() |
Mode of Reminder |
Icon Displayed next to |
Icon |
Email text box |
Mobile Phone Call |
Mobile No text box |
Mobile Phone Message |
Mobile No text box |
Mobile Phone Voice Mail |
Mobile No text box |
Phone Call |
Phone No text box |
Phone Voice Mail |
Phone No text box |
Secure Message via Portal |
User Name text box |
7. | Select one or more patient categories (e.g., Bankruptcy, BCBS, Collections, Medicaid) from the drop-down list. |
8. | In the case of patients who do not know their ethnicity, InSync users should treat these patients the same way as those who decline to provide race or ethnicity—identify in the patient record that the patient declined to provide this information by clicking the check box. |
9. | The “Active” status is preselected for the user when entering a new patient. |
• | If a patient is made inactive by selecting the Inactive option, his/her name will not display in patient search. You can also add reason for inactivate. |
• | If the patient is no longer alive, the “Deceased” option can be selected. Select the Deceased Date using the Calendar icon, or enter the date, month, or year in the text box provided, and enter the details in the Reason field. |
• | A patient can be marked as Inactive or Deceased only if the patient has no future appointments or in-progress encounters. |
10. | Patient Status drop-down consists of all configured statuses. By default, you will see 4 statuses in the drop-down list, Active, Inactive, Deceased, and Exempted. Using the wheel icon ![]() ![]() |
11. | Selecting in the “PHI/Exempted from Reports” box will exempt that patient when running clinical reports. To keep a patient away from displaying when running a |
12. | batch (e.g., if patient balances are being waived), select the “Exclude from Patient Statement” check box. |
13. | Selecting in the "Exclude from Collection Referral" box will exclude the patient name from (Patient Statement) the excel file to be sent to the agency. |
14. | Select the Patient Consent for NYU HIE as “Yes” if you wish to get patient’s acknowledgement to send the consent form to the NYU HIE. Once the patient details are saved, the Patient HIPAA Consent Form is displayed. You can preview the form, print it, get it signed by the patient and fax it to the NYU HIE. |
• | This feature is enabled only for practice admin user. |
• | Once the patient’s consent is recorded, the patient demographics details are sent automatically to the NYU HIE through HL7 interface whenever you add or update patient information. |