Configuring Practice’s ROS and Chief Complaint

To configure Practice's ROS and Chief Complaint:

1.From the left menu items, click Administration > Configuration > EMR > ROS & Chief Complaint. The Provider ROS & Chief Complaint screen is displayed.
2.Select the Practice tab.
3.Select the System for which you want to add the symptom from the drop-down list.
4.Type in the symptom name in the box provided.
5.Select from the drop-down list the age range and sex to which the added symptom should display in the ROS chart.

*Note: By default, “All” option in age group and “Both” option in Sex are selected.

6.Click the INSYNC~1_img605icon to add the symptom.

*Note: Use the down arrow (INSYNC~1_img589) and up arrow (INSYNC~1_img588) to set the sequence of symptoms to display in the ROS chart.

7.Once the symptom is successfully added, click the Description link next to the symptom. A new grid is displayed to add description and status for that symptom.
8.Type in the description in the box provided.
9.Select the Status of the added description as Positive or Negative from the drop-down list.
10.Click the INSYNC~1_img605icon to add the symptom description along with status.

*Note: Use the down arrow (INSYNC~1_img589) and up arrow (INSYNC~1_img588) to set the sequence of symptom descriptions to display in the ROS chart.



