Configuring Descriptive Encounter Note Template

On the Encounter note, you can differentiate the items with the use of various separators for descent clarity in Encounter note. The separators can be used to differentiate:

Title and Item Value Separator
Item Value Separator
Page Level Notes Separator
Item Level Notes Separator


To configure the descriptive template:


1.On the Notes & Letter Configuration screen, click the icon ConfigureTemplate_new . The Descriptive Encounter Note Template screen is displayed.
2.Enter the Template Name.
3.Select the Title and Item Value Separator from the options shown in the drop-down list. The options are [:], [->], [/], [+], [;], and [New Line].
4.Select the Item Value Separator from the options shown in the drop-down list. The options are [,], [:], [;], [/], [New Line], [and], [.], and [<a space>]
5.Select the Page Level Notes Separator from the options shown in the drop-down list. The options are [Notes:], [New Line], and [<a space>] .
6.Select the Item Level Notes Separator from the options shown in the drop-down list. The options are [()], [-], [.], [Notes:], [New Line], and [<a space>] .
7.Click Add. The template is added to the list below.
Click the edit icon edit_1 to edit the details.
Click the inactivate icon Inactivate_Icon to inactivate that template.
Click the activate icon Activate icon to activate that template.

